Review of Physical Rerservoir Computing

This post is going to summarize the advanced reserach of reservoir computing based on various designs and implementations, the paper “Recent advances in physical reservoir computing: A review”1 dated in 2019 has a great summary for the research field, however it is a bit outdated, this post is going to follow the structure of the article but will add new updates to this article to gain beter understanding of the research field of reservoir computing.

    participant web as Web Browser
    participant blog as Blog Service
    participant account as Account Service
    participant mail as Mail Service
    participant db as Storage
    Note over web,db: The user must be logged in to submit blog posts
    web->>+account: Logs in using credentials
    account->>db: Query stored accounts
    db->>account: Respond with query result
    alt Credentials not found
        account->>web: Invalid credentials
    else Credentials found
        account->>-web: Successfully logged in
        Note over web,db: When the user is authenticated, they can now submit new posts
        web->>+blog: Submit new post
        blog->>db: Store post data
        par Notifications
            blog--)mail: Send mail to blog subscribers
            blog--)db: Store in-site notifications
        and Response
            blog-->>-web: Successfully posted
  1. Tanaka, Gouhei, Toshiyuki Yamane, Jean Benoit Héroux, et al. “Recent Advances in Physical Reservoir Computing: A Review.” Neural Networks 115 (2019): 100-123. 📂[]






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