Author: Xiaomeng Wang

  • Cadence Training Learning Maps

    This post serves as a portal for naviating through the Cadence Online Learning Courses. As there are lots of components in their product suite, the learn maps cover different aspects for IC design. The Learning Maps file is publicly available from Cadence Website, the specific course materials need access from Cadence. Cadence Training Learning Maps…

  • Decouple Code and Config using yaml

    The process of decoupling code and config is really useful to me, one of the most important reasons is that variables in config could be better organized than variables placed inside code. Such better organization of variables in config files allow me to write the code in a clearer way. I don’t need to actually…

  • Google Web App Activity Lawsuit

    Today I finally received the email about the Google Web App Lawsuit. Although I heard about this from other media outlet, it still feels strange when the email finally arrived. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy Google’s services and think that they are irreplacable, even though the company violates the rules, perhaps that is…

  • Understanding Multi-headed Attention with Grep – A Simple Guide

    Have you ever needed to find something in your code but weren’t sure exactly where to look? That’s where grep comes in handy. And believe it or not, this everyday coding tool can help us understand one of the most powerful concepts in AI: multi-headed attention. Starting with the Basics Imagine you’re looking for everything…

  • Getting Started on dnsmasq

    I recently found that I need a customized dns server to help me handle local area network hostnames resolve, rather than using,, for public domain dns services. It turns out there’s one tool named dnsmasq that could help me solve issues like this. I’m not going really deep on how to use…

  • How AI Helped Me Make Smart Decisions About Tire Repair

    Recently, I found myself in a common but stressful situation – a nail in my tire. What started as a potentially frustrating experience turned into an interesting lesson in how AI can help with everyday decisions. As someone who relies heavily on their car, I needed to find a solution quickly, but I also wanted…

  • Mastering Nginx: Serving HTTP&HTTPS Traffic from a Single Port

    When I first set up my web server, I used port 8086 for HTTP traffic. It worked fine—it was functional, accessible, and did what I needed. But as time went on, I realized something: sticking to standard ports, 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS, isn’t just about following convention; it’s about improving accessibility, security, and professionalism. In this post, I’ll…

  • Discovering ‘last’: The Swiss Army Knife of System History

    Have you ever needed to track down when your system was rebooted? Recently, I found myself in this exact situation. My first instinct was to dive into on my Mac, but I quickly got overwhelmed by the sheer volume of logs and information. It was like trying to find a needle in a digital…

  • gmail-backupy repo

    This blog serves as supplementary material for the github repo gmail-backupy, as the github repo readme suffers from multimedia support. The main reason to do so is to test and verify my Python skills when trying to maintain a semi-large project. The original repo “gmail-backup” provides Gmail email backup and restore capabilities, but had not…

  • Tikz Trove neural network: Neural Network 1D-2D Cross-Connection Visualization Keywords: Technical illustration, Network topology, Dimensional transition diagram, Feature transformation, Node connectivity visualization, Matrix representation A technical visualization demonstrating the dimensional transformation between 1D and 2D feature spaces in neural networks through an interconnected node matrix system. 2D Convolution Operation Visualization Keywords: Mathematical visualization, Convolution…

  • ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification Final Project

    This blog post serves as a protal for supplementary materials for the final project report of the course ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification 24 Fall. Links are available to be redirected to the specific academic article in PDF format, it should be noted that readers should access those documents within an institution where subscriptions access…

  • ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification Notes Part II

    This blog serves as the 2nd and last part for the class ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification. The first part of the notes can be found here. № 12 Oct 15 № 13 Oct 15, Oct 24 № 14 Oct 24, Oct 29 № 15 Oct 29, Oct 31 № 16 Oct 31, Nov 05,…

  • Accelerate Pytorch

    Use Pytorch to accelerate with GPU or apple silicon with Metal

  • Physical Design Essentials

    Physical Design Essentials-An ASIC Design Implementation Perspective1 This book describes why domain of physical design is needed, provide the basic concepts for physical design. Golshan, Khosrow. Physical design essentials. Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC, 2007.978-0-387-46115-1.pdf📁[↩]

  • git Note

    I’ve always trying to summarize an article of how to use git, but there has been a lot of resistance of doing so, one reason is that there are sufficient material that have enough info of how to use git. Although they provide a very detailed info regarding how to use git, I or beginners…