Tag: vt
ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification Final Project
overleaf project folder 0️⃣1️⃣A survey of digital circuit testing in the light of machine learning. 1 0️⃣2️⃣A Survey and Recent Advances: Machine Intelligence in Electronic Testing. 2 0️⃣3️⃣✅Machine intelligence for efficient test pattern generation.3 Backtracing: identifies PIs to assign to meet ATPG objectives (e.g., exciting or propagating faults). Backtracking: Backtracking is a class of algorithms…
ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification Notes Part II
This blog serves as the 2nd and last part for the class ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification. D Flip Flop Delay/Data flip flop: The flip flop remains in its current state until its receives a signal like clock that switches it to opposite state. The clock single required for the synchronous version of D flip…
ECE5505 Digital Test and Verification Notes Part I
Introduction This is the blog for VT ECE5505 digital system test and verification course summary, it is currently working as a draft and not finalized. Simulations Fault Simulation Logic Sim Definition given a circuit, fault model, a test set, determine fault coverage determine test set qualityATPG, a vector 1️⃣Serial2️⃣Parallel-fault3️⃣Parallel-pattern4️⃣Deductive Fault Simulation5️⃣Concurrent6️⃣Critical Path Tracing7️⃣Statistical8️⃣Differential9️⃣Combined STAFAN Non-statistical…
A guide on how to use Advanced Research Computing at Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech provides computing resources for computing with is suitable for simulations, machine learning model training, which called Advanced Research Computing. It provides a user friendly guide on how to use its system, but I think it would be nicer to try to summarize the most essential ones when you want to use it in…