Solution to Blue Screen of Death After Installed TIA Portal

TIA portal is widely used in industrial scenarios, it is the platform exclusively on Windows, I have the mixed feeling about this tool as this is the only software for programming SIEMENS PLCs. Yet it is really large and installs a lot of software onto one’s machine.

One problem after installed TIA portal 17 is that sometimes it would make the OS crash due to network issues. So for Windows, it displays the BSOD with the error as follows:

Failed Operatoin: NDIS.SYS

This problem has been haunting me for more than several months, I just could not be able to live with my machines crash at times.

I tried to search on Google, asked ChatGPT, I could not be able to find anything useful. I tried to uninstall TIA Poral 17 but it took me a long time to uninstall that and part of the program could not be uninstalled completely.

I finally searched the problem in Chinese and found this article. I will try to demonstrate what should be done as follows:

Go to command prompt and the type the following command, you will see the Internet connection window that contains all the network interfaces:


Right click each of the interfaces and then click on property, for example this is my Wireless network interface:

You need to check your network interfaces and uncheck the following items that are related to SIMENS’ internet protocols:

SIMATIC Industrial Ethernet (ISO)
PROFINET IO RT-Protocol Vx.x

Make sure to check each and every network interfaces and uncheck all of the unnecessary items related to SIEMENS. What is even better, you could just uninstall those protocols so that you don’t have to check all interfaces at all.

For now, my machine is working fine and I hope that it would work for you too.






2 responses to “Solution to Blue Screen of Death After Installed TIA Portal”

  1. Mihir Avatar

    Really appreciate the feedback and you posting this blog. It took me 3 months to come across your blog and I kept using my Wifi adapter in lowered speeds due to this issue. After realizing what you pointed out about the SIEMENS related protocols I did a more specific search and found out that you can resolve this issue by installing the TIA Portal V17 latest system update (Update 8 at the time of writing this comment). You can use the Protocols even on the Wifi card after installing the updates. It was crucial for me because I am working on projects remotely and need to connect via VPN to PLCs, I cannot make any modifications to the PLC by disabling those protocols. So this completely solves the issue.

    However, thanks for the insight. It was very helpful.

    1. Xiaomeng Wang Avatar

      Hi Mihir, thank you for your info, this is quite important that your solution is a complete fixation on the TIA Portal bug, I cannot imagine why it takes so long for them to fix and how many computers have encountered the issue. Anyway, glad to see your feedback!

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